H.E. Suhail Al Zarooni
Press note

Honorable H.E Suhail Al Zarooni,
On behalf of the International Human Rights Commission I would like to welcome you as our AMBASSADOR AT LARGE, DUBAI – UAE as Proposed & Recommended by H.E Mohsin Durrani Regional Head Asia Region.
International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is working to strengthen & support all Nations capacity to engage in sustainable development through educational access, relief programs, ecological & bioethical reflections & actions, while taking in to consideration the traditional, social & cultural values of each Nation. Promoting Human Rights Peace, Gender Equality, Health, Economic development, awareness regarding the rights of women, children & youth in developing nations & where ever needed.
This is jut a welcoming message confirming your appointment as the Reginal Head H.E. Mohsin Durrani will do the Official Press Note tomorrow after a Press Briefing organized by your Office. Your Diplomatic ID & Certificate will be prepared after a proper security clearance process & the undersigned will try to honor you with the same with his presence & meeting with you on a mutual agreed dates & time In your Palace.
All the other details & working strategies will also be shared in writing by the Regional Head as we look forward to productive & healthy relationship in future for strengthening IHRC in Dubai under your Leadership. H.E Mohsin Durrani authorized Head of the Region & will assist you during your tenure with IHRC.
Thanks & Regards,