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The environment Project
What we do > Actions > Human Rights > Algeria

The environment Project -
People's Democtaratic Republic of Algeria
The environment God created the planet, and created in it all that human needs for living, growth and development, and man was able to perform all his functions well because of the exploitation of these different elements, and the human is linked to these various elements directly or indirectly, affecting and the extent of ability to Living properly, these elements are called the environment.

The concept of the environment is comprehensive and diverse. Every person views the environment from its own perspective and according to its working environment. The environment in general is related to the human relationship and its activities with the various elements surrounding it, while the concept of the environment is a language; it is a "boa" or a " And means the return of the human to a place to settle.

The environment is defined as the process of human reproduction and all that is associated with it to preserve its offspring from its relationship with living organisms such as animals and plants, while in the science of nature, the environment is all that surrounds man from elements whether alive Or non-living, which affects the human being directly or indirectly.

The social, cultural and economic factors are all integrated into the concept of the environment, human relations with others, and the extent of human culture itself, which is linked by specialists to the definition of the concept of the environment.

Elements of the environment

The elements of the environment vary according to the direction in which the environment is defined, which may include: the natural environment: the elements that God deposited on the planet such as

Water resources, aerobic, soil, sun, various climate elements, and various living organisms from the most precise to the most complex.

Artificial environment:

It is all that man has created on earth of elements, and affects him directly and indirectly, such as buildings, factories, cars and others.

Biological Biology:

They include humans and various living organisms, and the biological environment is considered part of the natural environment.

Social environment:

The relationship between man and other living things and their relationship to others of his sex. Pollution of the environment Due to the importance of the environment surrounding the human being, its protection and preservation of various pollutants are directly related to human health and protection from diseases. The environment may be exposed to many pollutants, including contamination of water sources with factory waste and air pollution from smoke from factories and cars. Pollution may reach the soil that feeds plants, which are fed by humans and animals, and other types of pollution. Noise pollution caused by the rise of sounds emanating from cars or construction works, and many new diseases that have infected humans and animals due to pollution of the environment.

And on environmental conservation

The environment is all that surrounds man from a jungle, plant or animal and the preservation of the environment is the duty of every human being; because preserving and protecting it reflects the progress and development of society and reflects the extent to which the members of society maintain their health. The pollution of the environment causes many diseases and damage to both humans and animals , Many species of animals have been threatened with extinction as a result of human disinterest in vegetation and the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. Therefore, most religions have called for their preservation in various ways and means

Ways to preserve the environment

In order to preserve the cleanliness of the environment, man must take several actions to reduce the pollution that works on the deterioration of the environment and vegetation, and these behaviors:

To ensure that the waste is disposed of in its designated place, and not thrown in the street or any public place and careful not to burn it, which leads to pollution of the air and be careful not to leave it next to the house to accumulate and thus occur unpleasant views and non-civilized perspective.

Action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. To promote community awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and protecting it from pollution by providing education and awareness programs in educational curricula such as schools, universities, public institutions and the use of print, audio and visual media for faster dissemination of environmental protection.

The preservation of the environment is the enactment of laws and legislations, which require that every citizen of the society be obliged to preserve the environment around him. It is possible to impose penalties on anyone who does not comply with them. The state may have to take some measures to motivate the citizen to comply with the laws, From deterring environmental polluters, since human fear of punishment often leads to the correction of its behavior. Therefore, strict measures must be taken and maximum penalties imposed on violators of environmental laws that cause pollution to the environment.

To increase the cultivation of trees and plants that purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and removing the oxygen that the human breath. In addition, increasing the vegetation and increasing the gardens and parks increase the beauty of the site and give him a bright and breathtaking views of the nerves.

God created us the universe and make the environment and natural manifestations a service to man, the environment is a mirror that reflects the face of life and exploitation must be coupled with the achievement of private benefit while maintaining the public interest.

H.E Abdelkader Boubekeur
H.E Addad Mimouna
Representant IHRC Algeria

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