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IHRC Corporation
IHRC Alliance
International Human Rights Commission
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Earth Day 2022
Missions > Actions > Ecology
*SMM/IHRC Burundi report*
 ```On the commemoration Of the International Earth Day we devoted our time On the Sunday Of 24th/April /2022 to promote the role of``` SMM/ IHRC ```Volunteer by having a summit under the theme``` Of" *Building Peace in our neighborhood to keep safe our Earthplanet* ".
```The Event day took a place at ECOFO KAMENGE III high school found at Bujumbura town /Ntahangwa Commune.```
```The key participants : Teachers, Pupils,singers , poetry makers as well as Media {BAC Global TV, BAHO Magazine and Dreams Of Change Foundatio``` n}>
Actually the was highly appreciated .

It's reported by
SMM/IHRC Burundi Coordinator
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