Missions > Actions > Ecology > South America

The province located in the North of the Argentine Republic suffered a dramatic situation due to the fire that caused fires in the area. A large number of hectares were devoured by fire, destroying cultivated fields, houses, flora and fauna. The rivers have dried up, a large number of animals have died and due to the large number of burned fields, agricultural production is already affected, which will entail, after the fire is extinguished, due to the lack of work and reconstruction of everything affected.
Therefore, help was and is imminent for all the people who have been left with nothing because of the fire.
Volunteers, supporters, and staff of the Foundation have collaborated both in the dissemination asking the population to help with donations of: mineral water, non-perishable food, clothing for adults and children, powdered milk, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene items, and medicines for both humans and animals. The solidarity of veterinarians was required to care for the burned animals and we also appealed for solidarity for the donation of food for them.
This Foundation collaborated and will continue to collaborate since there are many needs to meet, that is why a new solidarity campaign is launched today with different collection and collection points for donations. #ArgentinaEsCorrientes that will also receive mattresses, furniture, household goods, materials for schools, school supplies, blankets, implements for primary care in the small towns' rooms and elements to help people with disabilities such as canes, wheelchairs, crutches and babies with cribs, cars, sheets, among other things. With the collaboration of transport companies, they will be sent to the most affected places in the province. Then, we will continue collaborating with the Corrientes House in everything they require. and supporting the different solidarity campaigns that are being put together throughout our territory to help the brothers from Corrientes.
Corrientes was declared in the last few hours "Zone of Ecological and Environmental Catastrophe", so we will add our own efforts and appeal to the solidarity of the Argentine people to help in all the affected places. Many donations have been received, and trucks, have begun to be sent to Corrientes due to the great solidarity of the Argentines.
Our help is free from any type of interest, both monetary and political, as it always was in each campaign that we have collaborated with over the years of our history in social work.
As Mother Teresa of Calcutta said "Sometimes we feel that what we do is just a drop in the sea, but the sea would be less if it lacked a drop." Today we need many drops to have a sea again...