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Celebrations of memory in Angola
Missions > SMM IHRC > Actions > Africa > Angola
Celebrations of memory the beginning of the armed struggle and liberation of Angola, which was marked on the 4th of February 2022

In celebration of the beginning of the armed struggle and liberation of Angola, which was marked on the 4th of February, the Regional Coordination of Volunteers of the International Human Rights Commission in Angola organized on the 26th of February in partnership with the Administration of the municipality of Cazenga and the Department for Volunteering, Associativism and Social Guidance of the Angolan Youth Institute - IAJ, an activity for students from Quinta da Graça schools located in Cazenga Colégio Lukany and 4Kandengues located in the district of the Cidade Universitária where they were taken to Historic Landmark 4 February where they learned more about the history of Angola's armed struggle and liberation, as well about the heroes who fought for Angola's liberation.
The following were present at this activity:
  • Head of the Department for Volunteering, Associativism and Social Guidance of the Instituto Angolano da Juventude (Jair Pereira),
  • Representatives of the Health Delegation of the municipality of Cazenga,
  • Directors and teachers of Colégios Quinta da Graça Lukany and 4Kandengues and
  • 61 students from the two colleges.

Zinga Suama
Regional Volunteers Coordinator SMM IHRC
in Angola, Africa
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