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3rd General Assembly Economic, Social and Cultural Counsil of the African Union (AU-ECOSOCC) in Lusaca, Zambia.

On 10-14 June, the International Human Rights Commission - IHRC participated officially at the 3rd General Assembly Economic, Social and Cultural Counsil of the African Union (AU-ECOSOCC) in Lusaca, Zambia. The IHRC was represented by the Ambassador at Large Romanos Raad, who during his speech to the assembly made a presentation of our Foundation and outlined the directions and possibilities of IHRC and ECOSOCC cooperation across the African continent in close cooperation with all countries actively participating in the African Union. The speech was accepted with applause showing great interest and satisfaction of the listeners.
Thanks to the IHRC's participation in this excellent General Asembly, we have now established cooperation confirmed by signing agreements with other organizations participating in this important honorable assembly.
We are pleased to inform you that the IHRC is currently being accredited as the ECOSOCC Partner - AU. This was also possible thanks to Ambassador Romanos Raad's extensive consultation with His Excellency President Mr. Abozer Elman, Vice President Excellency Boudali Khalid, Patson Malisa and other prominent representatives of the great African countries.

During several days of talks, the parties agreed on the detailed conditions of the MEMORANDUM OF MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION / INSTRUMENT OF ACCESSION in order to sign it as soon as possible and thus obtain the IHRC accession.
Secretary General IHRC
Sir Rafal Marcin Wasik
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