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IHRC Corporation
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International Human Rights Commission
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Departments > ILOPA
INTERNATIONAL LOCAL PARTNERSHIP- ILOPA in the frame of Special Monitoring Mission IHRC. This program is to create a cooperations between local authorities from around the world to improve the quality and effectiveness of their service to their local communities. Thanks to ongoing, close and direct contact we with the local Leaders we will create new opportunities and perspectives for the development of local communities, regardless of their wealth and location.  Because only IHRC, relying on the knowledge and wisdom of its activists, understands and realizes the real needs and challenges of everyday LIFE. This new communication and development platform was created thanks to the personal commitment of the IHRC Secretary General prof. h.c. RafaƂ Marcin Wasik, how create new opportunities beyond all divisions for everyone whose heart beats for the good of others and HUMAN RIGHTS.
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