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International Human Rights Commission
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Support for Displaced Persons
Alliance > SMM IHRC > Actions > Africa > Cameroon

Today 29th of May 2021, the National Volunteers’ Coordinator/Peace Ambassador of International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) H.E. Holy Anagho Asanji and her team carried out a humanitarian support program at an Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) home at Debundscha.  Debundscha (the first wettest place in Africa and the second wettest place in the world) is a village in the South West Region of Cameroon found at the foot of Mount Cameroon.  
    The separatist armed conflict that broke out in October 2016 in Cameroon’s North West and South West regions (known as the English speaking or Anglophone regions) of the country has caused the displacement of segments of the population fleeing their homes to seek sanctuaries in other towns and villages within the national territory including Debundscha, while greater majorities have fled into dense forests far from their towns and villages.  Having been disconnected from their normal livelihood, these IDPs live under precarious conditions and extreme hardships without adequate food, water, hygiene, medical care and proper shelter. This is because most of them had fled with limited belongings and resources, and facing problems with finding shelter and jobs in their new locations causing a full scale humanitarian crisis.

In response to the crisis, IHRC provided in-kind food assistance (rice, corn, palm oil, salt, cube, coal, spaghetti, soap, sachets of tomatoes, washing hand bucket and facemasks) and small cash-based transfer of 25000 Frs CFA to about 50 vulnerable IDPs who fled from Kwakwa, Kombone, Ekumbe and Muyuka to seek refuge at Debunchscha and living under deplorable conditions. The overall objective of the program was to distribute food among the most vulnerable groups of IDPs according to the list of vulnerability which were children and adolescents.
 The reached IDPs were extremely grateful for the generosity of the IHRC, SMM Cameroon and prayed God to continually bless the source of their income.  
NVC/Peace Ambassador of IHRC for Cameroon/ H.E. Holy Anagho Asanji
MNVC/ Peace Ambassador of IHRC for Central Africa.
H.E Bienvenu Goare Hiroua
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