IHRC:Notebooks and Scholarships
Missions > Actions > Education > Nigeria
According to the National Volunteers Coordinator (NVC) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) of the International Human Rights Commission in Nigeria, Comrade Elijah Vitus Echendu; said over hundreds of IHRC notebooks were distributed to students of Government Secondary Schools (GSS) in Jabil and Dutse Abuja, alongside scholarship grants in the respective schools.
He asserted at the end of the Educational Support Project flagship during the weekend in Abuja. In his statement, he noted that the approval of the Ambassador at Large and Head of the Diplomatic Mission of the International Human Rights Commission Nigeria, Ambassador Dr. Duru Hezekiah, to implement the project in Nigeria Schools was in line with the Organization's aim for achieving sustainable development.
He added that other States would be benefitting from the Educational Support Project, urging beneficiaries to take education seriously.
In response, representatives of the schools, Hajia Maryam, Mr. Nansil Palam, Hajia Maryam Abdullah Ibrahim, and Sunday Uche acknowledged the International Human Rights Commission for recognizing their schools in the project.
The names of scholarship beneficiaries are attached.

Elijah Vitus Echendu
NVC IHRC SMM, Nigeria.

Fidelis Onakpoma
IHRC Editor-in-Chief
21st January 2023