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The issue of child Neglect and Abuse  goes beyond just talks and rhetorics but rather actions and employing stringent and harsh policies and directives that would detter offenders and Perpetrator for such heinous crime against humanity
In these vein, for five consequtive times, the Bonabear Foundation Ghana under the auspices of the Special Monitoring Missions of the International Human Rights Commission in Ghana with partnership from the Dream Africa Care Foundation and the The Breasted One Foundation Ghana had on the 23rd of April its annual 5km Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Walk to advocate and create awareness on the formal as the month of April has been set aside by the United Nations for its commemoration as the UN- SDG 3 seeks to address the well being and good health for all by 2030.
This years walk brought together about  23 youths clubs and orphanages within the Ledzokuku and Krowor Constituencies and other individuals who have shown interest and  understood the cause.
The continent of Africa has over the years recorded the highest level of Child Abuse and its related issues that have increased the highest number of children wondering aimlessly about on the various streets of Africa. These have exposed them to various vices like Child Rape, Kidnapping and Child Murder for Rituals purposes and even most of these children being lured into Armed Robbery activities.

At these years event, a survived victim of Breast Cancer, Madam Susan Lokko, took the stage to advice and encourage all participants expecially the women and young girls who partook in the walk to take the breast screening  exercise  serious as early detection could be managed before it gets to its dettorating stage.
Other activities on the day were Covid 19 Vacination, Vitamin A Supplimentation, Breast Cancer Screening, Blood Pressure checks, Weight Checks, Sugar Level Checks and Body Mass Index Checks.
The Commissioner and Head of Volunteers for the Special Monitoring Missions of the IHRC GH who doubles as the Founder and Project Lead for the Bonabear Foundation Ghana Amb Bernard Kofi Bonarparte also gave a word of caution to all parents who hide under the umbrella of marital breakdown to Abuse and Neglect their wards denying them of their basic human rights needs to desist from such acts and rather join forces to care for their children even after the relationship is broken down or in separation.
As a survived victim of Child Neglect he (Amb Bonarparte) shared words of hope and encouragement to any child going through such ordeals not to despair but rather forge on with the fight for survival.

International Human Rights Commission is an Intragovernmental organization that have signed several protocol agreements with several foreign  affairs Ministries with thousands of Volunteers across the length and breath of the world aiming to  address various forms of Human Rights Abuse through diplomacy and possible deliberation with government agencies for an amecable solutions. It has over the years collaborated with local and international organizations to reach out to the entire world with its humanitarian activities.
The event saw all participants refreshed with breakfast and Lunch after the walk

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