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Report on the Post Headman Election 2023
Missions > Monitoring > Africa > Sierra Leone 2023
Report on the Post Headman Election 2023 IHRC/SMM Team

On Saturday, 28 October 2023, the IHRC Sierra Leone Office  and other organizations monitored the District Level head-man Election across the Country.
Within the hours of noon, the electioneering process was going smoothly with little or no problems. The locals at the Campbell town community were able to peacefully exercise their voting rights.
During, the hours of 4pm-5pm, we started to experience some security treats, from the outside, minutes by minutes the tension increased among the youths within the community. Some where shouting “We want Free and Fair Elections na Campbell town” others were using placards to demonstrate their views in relation to the on going electioneering process.
Within that moment, the youth start stoning at the polling center targeting directly at the ELECTORAL COMMISSION SIERRA LEONE Staff, Our Team Led by Amb Dr Momodu Conteh were in the building observing the process .while the other were parading up and do with cutlasses treating to cause serious damage on both the Observers and ECSL staff.
Thank God for the timely intervention of the Sierra Leone Police who, where able to put the situation under control and transports the voting boxes to the ECSL regional office in Waterloo for it to be counted.
The ECSL leadership agreed to count the ballots from that center in the full view of the IHRC/SMM team though our eyes were still sting from the residue of the tear gas canisters fired in the vicinity of the Polling center earlier on .

Sent by G Conteh IHRC/ SMM Media Team
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