National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons NAPTIP
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MOU with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons NAPTIP & IHRC

The International Human Rights Commission - IHRC, has again achieved another mile stone as the organization executed an MOU with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons NAPTIP.
Speaking during the occasion, Ambassador Dr. Friday Sani who is the country head and official representative of IHRC to Nigeria, said the job of fighting attempt by enemies of the state to return Nigeria back to second slavery was enormous, and only the Director General of NAPTIP (Dame Judie Eniekedo Donli) cannot succeed alone in the fight to protect the girl child. He assured the Director General of activating volunteers of IHRC in the world to rise to the occasion of reporting plans to traffic any persons, or violence against persons to IHRC Central office in Nigeria for immediate rescue of victims. Already IHRC Nigeria Central Office has appointed a desk officer to receive all cases of violence against persons and present same to NAPTIP for immediate actions.
Also speaking during the meeting via zoom; the Secretary General of IHRC Prof. Rafal Marcin Wasik, applauded the Director General of NAPTIP for standing tall in Nigeria Government. He expressed reediness of the World Head Quarters and international communities to come to the aid of NAPTIP in order to rid Nigeria of the deadly crime of trafficking in persons, including violence against persons in Nigeria.
In her welcome address, the Director General of NAPTIP Dame Julie Eniekedo Donli; appreciated The International Human Rights Commission for indicating interest to join her and her team in the fight against violence against persons, and trafficking in persons. She assured IHRC leadership in Nigeria and the world, that NAPTIP under her watch will do everything humanly possible to stop Human Trafficking and violence against persons.
Highlight of the occasion was a presentation of a fresh nomination of the Director General Dame Julie Eniekedo Donli as a federal Judge of Federation of Human Rights Arbitration Court by the country head IHRC Nigeria, AMB. Dr. Friday Sani.
Ambassador Sani who disclosed this during the occasion said, if the nomination is rectified by the world Headquarters, the DG NAPTIP, Dame Julie Enikedo Donli, becomes the first black woman to make the list in to the federation of Human Rights Arbitration Court, Federal Courts of the EU.
By this Memorandum of Understanding, IHRC come into full partnership with NAPTIP by reason which IHRC is empowered to gather intelligence reports and transmit to NAPTIP and jointly too ensure that perpetrators are brought to book. We therefor urge our volunteers worldwide to avail us with informations regarding to violence against persons and trafficking in persons.
For ease of complains and reports; you can contact us on or call our official line on +234 9086399792.

Acting Head Media and Public Relations
IHRC in Nigeria.