IHRC New Mexico
Press center

The core mission of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is to advance and safeguard human rights, foster diplomatic collaboration, and facilitate humanitarian initiatives on a global scale. Anchored in the principles enshrined within the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the European Convention on Human Rights, IHRC is dedicated to upholding the dignity of individuals, promoting intergovernmental dialogue, and championing equality and justice.
IHRC's global engagement is a testament to its dedication to the overarching mission, with all proceeds and capital meticulously directed towards the realization of the stipulated goals. In essence, IHRC operates as a non-profit entity, steadfastly committed to the cause it champions.
We are pleased to announce the incorporation of IHRC with STATE OF NEW MEXICO as NONPROFIT CORPORATION by the SECRETARY OF STATE NEW MEXICO.
With the incorporation in STATE OF NEW MEXICO IHRC defends human rights, collaborates with law authorities, law enforcement, police authorities, and police corporations, both at local and international levels, to locate missing children, defend women, counteract violence against children, fight corruption, and combat human trafficking.
IHRC members, serving as ambassadors and chaplains, operate under the UN laws of chaplain protection, the Geneva Conventions of 1864, 1906, 1929, and August 12, 1949, as well as the Vienna Conventions of 1961, 1963, and 1986, and the United Nations
Laws Bulletin of 1999 to ensure the protection of chaplains under all circumstances. The IHRC leadership holds the rank of Ambassador at Large, and all members serve as chaplains. The organization has the authority to confer other degrees, ranks, and titles.
Additionally, the organization issues diplomatic cards and documents recognized as Laissez-Passer for the effective performance of its missions, aiming to protect human rights and facilitate information exchange with international police and government authorities.
As an intergovernmental organization (IGO), IHRC provides diplomatic identity cards to identify its members, ensuring their security and facilitating their duties during special diplomatic missions under travel orders, in accordance with international law.