Justice Majida Razvi Chairperson Sindh
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Justice Razvi currently serving as a Chairperson Sindh Human Rights Commission Government of Sindh. She had the honor of holding a unique position of being the first woman Judge of a High Court of Pakistan. She was elevated to the position of Judge, at the Sindh High Court Bench in 1994. She as a Judge, presided over Single & DB numerous cases, providing justice in the form of landmark judgments and as an advocate, deliberated on hundreds of cases on the civil side.
She was provided free legal advice to the needy people, through various social work organizations and convincingly got justice for them. She is former Chairperson of the National Commission on the status of women, from March 2002 to March 2005.
We warmly welcome Justice Retired
She is a prolific writer – Author of hundreds of Article on Legal Issues pertaining to Women & Children. She is addresses on National & International Issues of Particularly Human & Women Rights through print & electronic media. She has received many numerous awards.
Ambassador Mohsin Durrani On behalf of Secretary-General IHRC Sir Rafał Marcin Wasik today we present IHRC CERTIFICATE & PIN with complete support & cooperation from International Human Rights Commission in all their future projects for a sustainable collaboration.
The meeting was attended by Ambassador Asim Irshad.
Ambassador Mohsin Durrani
Ambassador at Large & Advisor UN Affairs