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Diplomat of UEMOA
Foreign Affairs > Information > Cooperation > Africa
Ambassador IHRC H.E. Romanos Raad meet with his excellency deputy parliament Guinea -Bissau Mr Balde to appoint him as the new IHRC Ambassador at Large in Republic of Guinea- Bissau to help the children in education and build a fruitful future between Ihrc and West Africa.
International Human Rights Commission (IHRC Umbrella Fund) is working to strengthen & support all Nations capacity to engage in sustainable development through educational access, relief programs, ecological & bioethical reflections & actions, while taking in to consideration the traditional, social & cultural values of each Nation. Promoting Human Rights, Peace, Gender Equality, Health, Economic development, awareness regarding, the rights of women, children & youth in developing nations & where ever needed. Secretary General and Co-Founder of the IHRC, Prof.h.c. Sir Rafal Marcin Wasik, in exercise of the powers conferred upon by the constitution of the International Human Rights Commission with the registration in Czech Republic, European Union, and issued in accordinate with the authorization by the Supervisory Board, have the pleasure to appoint and designate His Excellency deputy parliament of Guinea Bissau H.E. Calilo Balde and official diplomat of UEMOA as IHRC Ambasador at Large in Repoblic of Guinea-Bissau from 06-03-2020. Thank you verry much for, trust with government Republic of Guinea-Bissau for IHRC Umbrella Fund. In 2017 IHRC signed a
Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of the Republic of Guinea Bissau and received government recognition and accreditation.
Secretary General IHRC
Prof.h.c.Sir Rafal Marcin Wasik
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