Sustainable Peace Expertise Network *(REPAD)*
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Report of the extraordinary meeting of the Regional Coordination for the country program of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in Côte d'Ivoire of December 26, 2020 with the Sustainable Peace Expertise Network (REPAD) held in the city from Abidjan*

*Present 18 people including:*
_11 Members of the IHRC, namely;_
Mr. FOFANA Vamara
Miss AKA Danielle
- Mr. CISSE Sékou
- Mrs KOUYATÉ Kadidja
- Mr. Diarra Idriss
- Mrs KABORE Armelle
- Mr. DIAWARA Khalil
- Miss OUATTARA Yeli
- Miss KONAN Anne
_07 REPAD members_:
- Mr. N'GOUAN Eby Noël
- Mr. SANOGO Adama
- Mr. TAN Kpan Roger
- Mr. N'DOUFOU Jean
- Miss FADIGA Massita
```Duration: 4h25min```
1-Presentation of the delegation of members of the Sustainable Peace Expertise Network *(REPAD)*
2-Explanation of the functioning of the International Human Rights Commission *(#IHCR)* to the new members of the Regional Coordination and to the Commissioners absent during previous meetings by the Commissioner and Regional Coordinator, Mr. Vamara FOFANA
3-Presentation of the annual budget or the 2021 fiscal year
4-Description of the various 2021 projects and mission and their progress
At 11:45 am precisely, the Secretary General, Miss AKA Danielle Sympathie declared the meeting open.
1-Presentation of the delegation of members of the Sustainable Peace Expertise Network (REPAD)
For this very 1st meeting between the two entities, REPAD has delegated seven (07) of its members to represent it. It is:
- Mr. N'GOUAN Eby Noel
- Mr. SANOGO Adama
- Mr. TAN Kpan Roger
- Mr. N'DOUFOU Jean and
- Miss FADIGA Massita

After presenting the members of his delegation, Mr. OUATTARA Ali, wanted to explain the operating mode of its structure and its scope.
REPAD is a nascent structure most of whose members are teachers, he insisted.
It mainly aims at promoting peace through the peace clubs that it sets up in certain towns in the interior of the country and its main target is the youth.
To join, you must be an expert in a specific field.
2-Explanation of the functioning of the International Commission on Human Rights (IHRC) to the new members of the Regional Coordination and to the Commissioners absent during previous meetings by the Commissioner and Regional Coordinator, Mr. Vamara FOFANA
Long before moving on to the IHCR presentation, Mr. FOFANA Vamara left it to each member of the Regional Coordination to make their own presentation.
After this phase, he took the floor and presented the IHCR in great detail without omitting anything so that everyone was at the same level of information.
He was supported in this exercise by his dynamic Regional Secretary, Miss AKA Danielle Sympathie.
They sometimes answered certain questions that the audience asked them.
3-Presentation of the annual budget or fiscal year
This part devoted most of the time because each member of the Regional Coordination had to justify the budget that he had previously sent to the Regional Commissioner and Coordinator, Mr. FOFANA Vamara.

In turn, each member of the Regional Coordination explained his action plan, how he intends to execute it without forgetting to mention the necessary budget so that it will allow him to achieve the various objectives that he has set for himself for the year 2021.
After making some pertinent remarks, the assistant did not fail to congratulate the various members for the excellent work done and to make suggestions to everyone.
4-Description of the various 2021 projects and mission and their progress
This part was the business of the Regional Secretary, Miss AKA Danielle Sympathie.
She took care to explain in detail the three (03) projects that were validated for the 2021 financial year.
This is among others the project on the environment which will be presented during the next African Days of Ecology and Climate Change (JFAC) to which more than 6,000 participants are expected, including 300 experts and decision-makers, 150 local authorities from from 50 countries.
The second project is the mango project which will be carried out in the Poro region, more precisely in Wolo, a village located in the Korhogo department. This project has been completed and submitted to the various financial partners for its financing.
The third and final project is the construction of three (03) classrooms and housing in a village located in northern Côte d'Ivoire known as Paulkro.
This will be presented during a work mission to financial partners in order to obtain the necessary funding for its implementation.
5- Miscellaneous
This part gave rise to very interesting moments of exchanges and allowed some to be able to express the rest of their concerns.
And Mr. OUATTARA Ali took the opportunity to inform the audience that henceforth the REPAD peace clubs will be clubs of the Regional Coordination of the International Human Rights Commission IHRC.
The Executive Director of REPAD, Mr. N'DOUFOU Jean, mentioned a new method of building construction.
It consists of using beaten earth to build housing and will be presented at the next JFAC.
Before moving on to the restoration which was to close the meeting, the Regional Commissioner and Coordinator, Mr. FOFANA Vamara, was awarded an honorary diploma which made him the first HONORARY MEMBER OF REPAD.
The members of the delegation presented the CERTIFICATE OF MEMBERSHIP that their structure received from the head office.
It was around 3:30 p.m. that the meeting ended after the photos were taken and the thanks.
Session secretary
Done in Abidjan, December 27, 2020