Missions > Monitoring > Africa > Chad 2021

First diplomatic exchange between the Peace Ambassador of IHRC for Central Africa and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Integration, International Cooperation and The Diaspora Coordination of Military and Security Cooperation and Peace Operations Represented by the General Taher Essou Youssouf as Coordinator of the department.
The Diplomatic Exchange started at 12hpm in the Office of the General, many important points have been outlined as the issue of peace and security in Chad.
The Peace ambassador explained everything to the General about the diplomatic intervention of the IHRC and the main strategy proposed by the headquarters in which the IHRC will send some of special envoys to Chad in weeks coming, those envoys their mission is to assist the government of Chad to restore Sustainable peace and security in Chad and the General welcomed the peace ambassador and the IHRC for their concerns in regards to socio-political conflicts in which Chad is facing right now, at the end of the exchange the General was amazing and willing to assist the IHRC to achieve its mission in the territory of Chad.
NB: the general suggested to the peace ambassador to inform his hierarchy to write a intentional letter in which all the statements, goals of the mission has to be outlined and mentioned the request for the audiauce to meet the Transition President so that he personally will present to the president to arrange the meeting with special envoys and the Transition President
Hiroua Goare Bienvenu
IHRC Peace Ambassador