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IHRC:T-shirt distribution and Mask
Alliance > SMM IHRC > Actions > Asia > Bangladesh
Office of the National Co-Ordinator Mr Lion Md Elias Shiraji , INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION IHRC SMM BANGLADESH Region.

Corona Virus awareness T-shirt distribution and Mask distribution by Team IHRC SMM , INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, BANGLADESH, KHULNA Division and Disari Youth Foundation Bangladesh (দিশারী যুব ফাউন্ডেশন বাংলাদেশ ), Khulna Branch By IHRC SMM Volunteer & President Disari Youth Foundation Bangladesh, Khulna Branch Mr Disarian Abdur Razzak Shovo.
Disarian Adv Sarowar Hossain Lovelo
Zonal Volunteer
Co-Ordinator International Human Rights  Commission & Chairman, Disari Youth Foundation Bangladesh
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