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The Transparency ELECTION in Cabo Verde
Missions > Monitoring > Africa > Cabo Verde
Republic of Cabo Verde: IHRC give Congratulation on Cabo Verde National Elections (Parliamentary)
APRIL 26, 2021

We congratulate the Movement for Democracy MpD and the Prime Minister, Dr. Ulisses Correia Silva for the victory in the just concluded free and fair Cabo Verde's April 18 National Elections. We salute the people of Cabo Verde and the National Elections Commission CNE for the transparent conduct of their free and fair elections.
We would also like to express our sincere satisfaction in the process of the elections, and also to the fact that Cabo Verde is demonstrating a suitable position as a model for democracy in the region.
With this admiration and a shared value for democracy and human rights, IHRC further persuades the government of Cabo Verde, being a model for democracy and human rights in the region, to build a mutual relationship with International Human Rights Commission.
Prof. RafaƂ Marcin Wasik
IHRC Secretary General
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