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CNDH in Côte d'Ivoire
Foreign Affairs > Information > Africa > Cote d'Ivoire
Joint partnership between of the IHRC & CNDH ( The National Council Of Human Rights ....

Joint partnership between the Regional Coordination for the Country Program of the International Human Rights Commission - IHRC and the National Council Human Rights
( CNDH - CONSEIL NATIONAL DES DROITS DE L' HOMME ) Republic of Côte d'Ivoire. Creating closer bonds between individuals of all races without any religious or ethnic distinction is the most solid way to protect human rights, promote social cohesion and preserve "PEACE".
It is with this in mind that a joint partnership was born between the IHRC and the CNDH.
This partnership was materialized this Friday 06 November 2020 at the headquarters of the CNDH by the delivery of a "CERTIFICAT OF ACCESSION - United Organization" to the current President of the said structure, Mrs. Namizata SANGARE, by the hands of the Commissioner of the SMM IHRC Mr. Vamara FOFANA, following the observation mission carried out jointly by the two structures during the presidential election of October 31, 2020 in Côte d'Ivoire.
These partnerships with State structures under ministerial supervision and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) constitute the cornerstone of the IHRC's program and actions.

With that, an excellent weekend to all of you in dialogue, social cohesion and national unity.
Done in Abidjan, November 05, 2020. Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (West-Africa)
Mr. Vamara FOFANA
Commissioner SMM IHRC in
Republic of Côte d'Ivoire (West-Africa)
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