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Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone
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Legal Aid Board Sierra Leone, signs Memorandum of Understanding
with IHRC
The Executive Director of the Legal Aid Board, Ms. Fatmata Claire Carlton-Hanciles and the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Envoy to the ECOWAS Region, HE Dr. Momodu Conteh have today, 24 July 2023 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in the head office of the Legal Aid Board in Freetown in the presence of representatives of both agencies.
Both hailed the MOU as a step towards promoting access to justice, protection of human rights, good governance and democracy in Sierra Leone.  ‘We welcome this MOU which adds to the over 300 partners of the Board,’ Ms. Carlton-Hanciles said, adding, ‘It will increase the poll of resources we can tap into in the provision of legal aid services around the country.
The MOU will facilitate the exchange of ideas and information to strengthen access to justice, protection of human rights and public safety, with particular emphasis on providing free legal services including legal advice and legal representation to missing children and victims of human trafficking.
It will further strengthen structures to enhance access to justice, protection of human rights, fight against corruption, and effective collaborate in the fight against terrorism, international organized crime, illegal migration, drugs and weapons trafficking, money laundering and economic crimes, elections monitoring, training of observers of local elections and implementation of programs dedicated to the same.

Reported by:
H.E. Amb. Momodu Conteh
IHRC Commissioner
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