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IHRC Cameroon/ World Human Rights Day
Missions > Actions > Human Rights > Human Rights 2021
The Commoration of the International Human Rights Day takes place in, CAMEROON – WEST ZONE DSCHANG December 10, 2021.
International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) Cameroon-West Zone Dschang joined the International Community to commemorate the International Human Rights Day which had as theme of the year “Equality, Reducing inequalities, Advancing Human Rights.” the event took place this Friday 10th of December 2021 from 2pm to 5pm at the delegation of Economy and Planning Dschang.
The date was chosen to honor the United Nations General Assembly's adoption and proclamation, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Present was the MNVC/Peace Ambassador H.E Bienvenu Hiroua, the Zonal Volunteer Coordinator (ZVC) Mr. Afonuga Christopher, leaders of some organization, government officials and all IHRC Volunteers.
The workshop began with the ZVC Mr. Afonuga Christopher who took upon him to explain the reason for the adoption of the United nations charter (UDHR) and the link which it has with the Human Rights Day which has as one of its objectives to raise awareness about people’s social, cultural, and physical rights and to ensure the welfare of everyone.
He further when on explaining how IHRC can into existence while bringing out its objectives.
The next presentation was based on Humanitarian Activities and it was presented by an IHRC volunteer Mr. Therence Anunzo who started by defining humanitarian activities as an active provision of aid design to save life which has as main objectives to restore human dignity.
He made mention of the fact that humanitarian activities moves with volunteerism and to be a volunteer one needs to sacrifice his or her time and be consistent.
Moving on the same part with volunteerism, in his presentation, the MNVC/Peace Ambassador of Central Africa H.E Hiroua presented on Diplomatic Consular Relations and Human Rights.
He presented and brought out the various diplomatic strategies in resolving human rights issues.
 These strategies include among others peace negotiations and diplomatic consular. These diplomatic strategies comes as a result of human rights violations must especially through Gender Based Violence.
In line with this, Miss Limen presents  onGendrt Based Violence (GBV), Miss Limen pointed out that, violence against women and girls (VAWG) is one of the most common human rights violation in the world and because of stigma and fear, the victims prefer to remain silent. She went further bringing out the various forms of violence which are sexual (rape), psychological and physical. The issue of GBV coined with the theme of the day on EQUALITY which means inclusion and non-discrimination.
In other words, a human rights-based approach to development is the best way to reduce inequalities which signifies the absolute rights to which all human beings are entitled, irrespective of any race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or another status.
It should be noted that, the presentation on GBV was very interesting and interactive because of the participation of all volunteers through questions and answer that facilitated it understanding. Family pictures were taken to mark this day.
The workshop ended with closing remarks and words of encouragements from the International ZVC and the MNVC/Peace Ambassador.

ZVC of IHRC/West Zone Mr. Afonuga Christopher
NVC/ Peace Ambassador for Cameroon Holy Anagho Asanji
Zonal volunteers coordinator Afonuga Christopher
Olome Terence Metuge volunteer
MNVC/Peace Ambassador for Central Africa H.E Bienvenu Hiroua Goare
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