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REPORT from UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UN Country Team in Ukraine Published on 24 Feb 2015View Original

Ukraine 2015 Humanitarian Response Plan (Revised) [EN/UK]


This Humanitarian Response Plan has been revised in response to the intensification of the conflict and subsequent deterioration of the humanitarian situation. The Humanitarian Country Team conducted a 'light revision‘' of the plan including a prioritization of life-saving activities and revision of financial requirements. While the substance of the plan remains largely the same, and the scenarios remain valid, the number of people targeted has increased to 3.2 million.

Strategic objectives

  • Respond to the protection needs of displaced and other conflictaffected people, with due regard to international humanitarian norms and standards.
  • Provide life-saving assistance and ensure non-discriminatory access to quality essential services for displaced and other conflict-affected people, with emphasis on the most vulnerable.
  • Improve the access of displaced and conflict-affected people to high-impact early recovery activities with a focus on livelihoods opportunities, normalization of basic services, return and postconflict reconciliation programming, with attention to reducing social inequalities.

Parameters of the response

The humanitarian community estimates that 5 million people are in need of humanitarian aid, and, in 2015, will prioritize the 3.2 million considered most vulnerable, living mainly in the five most-affected regions across three zones (see map on page three). Ukraine is a middle-income country with national and local capacity for response in place. However, with capacities increasingly stretched the humanitarian community will complement local response. Partners, through the cluster system activated in December 2014, will provide support for internally displaced people (IDPs), returnees, host communities and people who remain in conflict areas. The response will also pay attention to reducing gender gaps and capacity building in preparedness and response.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:
To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit http://unocha.org/.
Ukrainian version

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