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Humanity is the only religion everybody is born with – Sir Rafal Marcin Wasik
Why don’t we understand that religion was created to unite us, make us more civilized and tolerant towards each other but we are doing exactly opposite. Today religion divides more than uniting people, and we have to blame ourselves for this situation not the religion. Supporting inter-religion, inter-culture, inter-socio-economic status love marriages will help in building bonds between religions and cultures.

Humanity is not about maintaining a gracious relationship between one another in the society but it is about building a bond amongst the society with the help of a sustainable values. Humanity is not about showing passion and empathy to each other at times of need but about regarding love in high esteem and kindness in all walks of life.
What about the ever growing differences between the rich and poor. Rich people don’t think about the poor and the poor are left on their own apathy by their own fellow citizens. It will help in reducing the increasing feuds; it will help in reducing the differences between religions and cultures. It will help in re-uniting the religions and cultures and make this world a better place for our future generations. Two religions coming together will give birth to humanity.
Let’s stop this division and hatred based on religion and live like civilized humans. Humanity is the only religion everybody is born with. Teach your kids the lesson of humanity it will make them good human beings and will help in making this world a better place to live in. Humanity is not just a word for symbolizing the human compassion and civilization but it goes beyond the horizons of human nature and his creations. It is all about using hearts along with the minds in all the endeavors of human kind.
[image:image-0]H.E Mohsin Durrani
Ambassador at Large &
Advisor UN Affairs
International Human Rights Commission

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