Ministry Foreign Affairs
Foreign Affairs > Information > Africa > Niger

International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is working to strengthen & support all Nations capacity to engage in sustainable development through educational access, relief programs, ecological & bioethical reflections & actions, while taking in to consideration the traditional, social & cultural values of each Nation. Promoting Human Rights Peace, Gender Equality, Health, Economic development, awareness regarding the rights of women, children & youth in developing nations & where ever needed.
We have received extra ordinary appreciation towards our Passion to serve Humanity with improvements in people’s life & Peace around the world. IHRC is expanding its operations to extend its reach for the People in need across the Globe. Currently we have more than 22 countries representing IHRC with 23 Ambassadors at Large representing IHRC in their respective countries. We have 12 Ambassadors & 14 Goodwill Ambassadors with more than 2000 Volunteers across the Globe. Similarly, we have 21 IHRC Special members, 05 IHRC Commissioners & 3 Young Ambassador.
One again we are delighted to announce that IHRC has signed an official Memorandum of Understanding with the MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, COOPERATION OF AFRICAN INTEGRATION AND NIGERIANS OUTSIDE, REPUBLIC OF THE NIGER. The MOU was signed by Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. S.E.M Kalla Ankourao Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of the Niger & Secretary General IHRC Prof.h.c..Rafal Marcin Wasik.
Both sides will cooperate & find ways for bilateral cooperation in order to create modern structures to enhance public security, protection of human rights, counteract corruption, to comprehensive assistance in fighting terrorism, illegal immigration, drugs & weapons trafficking, monitoring democratic elections, training of observers for local democratic elections, implementation of humanitarian programs. Both sides agreed to recognize & respect the given diplomatic, military, police, special & public ranks of their servicemen/members, service ID-CARDS & decorations as well as to extend to their servicemen/members such assistance & protection as may be necessary & provided.
IHRC would like to Thank the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of the Niger, H.E. S.E.M Kalla Ankourao & IHRC Ambassador at Large Romanos Aziz Raad and new Ambassador at Large in Republic of Niger HE. Issa Mahamadou Sirajo for all the cooperation & hard work in finalizing & signing of the MOU & understanding.
Prof.h.c.Rafal Marcin Wasik
Secretary General
International Human Rights Commission