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IHRC: Elections of Regional, Municipal Councilors
Missions > Monitoring > Africa > Cote d'Ivoire
ELECTION: IHRC to Observe 2023 Election in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.
The protocol on democracy and good governance, additional to the protocol relating to the mechanism for the prevention, management and settlement of conflicts for the maintenance of peace and security, provides in its article and in accordance with its mission that "At the request of a Member State, the Transnational Intergovernmental Organization - International  Human Rights Commission - IHRC headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland may well obviously provide assistance and help in the organization of all elections and just as the IHRC can send accredited International Observers to the Country concerned for a high-level Election Observation mission
This was disclosed in a statement by Mr Vamara Fofana, IHRC Commissionner in Peace Building and Conflicts Resolution IHRC - ECOWAS on Wednesday.
Thus, as part of the implementation of its Country Program for the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, precisely as featured and consistent with its Country Program for the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, IHRC conduct an Observation Elections of Regional, Municipal Councilors of September 02, 2023, in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire.
The Country Leader Coordinator for the Program of the International Human Rights Commission - IHRC for the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, jointly linked to the countries of the ECOWAS space and the G5_SAHEL, has indeed undertaken a series of joint actions to support the Electoral Processes in the Country.
To this end, a pre-election fact-finding mission was deployed from July 10 to July 14, 2023, to collect all the information useful for an exact assessment of the conditions under which the Regional and Municipal elections of September 2 will be held.
This mission was followed from July 17 to July 21, 2023, by another security investigation mission intended to define, in collaboration with all the stakeholders concerned, the said Regional and Municipal elections, from September 02, 2023, in Côte d'Ivoire, on the methods of securing the electoral process, then in strengthening its support for the electoral process of September 02, 2023.
IHRC Regional Coordinator for Program in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, will therefore deploy from August 25 to August 29, 2023, a long-term Electoral Observation mission (MOELT) which will be reinforced by another short-term electoral observation mission from August 31 to September 03, 2023.
This high-level observation mission will be led by Commissioner VAMARA FOFANA in his capacity as Regional Coordinator for the Country Program of the International Human Rights Commission for the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, jointly linked to the Countries of the Space ECOWAS and the G5_SAHEL.
The mandate of the MOELT, will consist in following all the critical stages of the electoral process ranging from the pre-electoral period to the post-electoral period, in order to bring together all the elements necessary for the implementation of a response mechanism. for the prevention and management of any conflict that could be linked to the electoral process.
The Long Term Observers (LTO) who will also be deployed in the different regions will be responsible for preparing the ground for the arrival of the Short Term Observers (OCT)
Done in Abidjan, Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, August 21, 2023

Commissioner VAMARA FOFANA
IHRC Expert for Peace Building and Conflicts Resolution

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