Patron of the Book

International Human Rights Commission is the official Patron of the Book “Where is Pastor Raymond Koh?” by Author Stephen NG. The book is an attempt “to piece together the events that took place during and after the abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh Keng Joo, so that there is a complete record of this blight that should trouble every right- thinking member of our society.”
Whether it is in Malaysia, or in any part of the world, human rights abuses are a serious crime against humanity that must be resisted at all cost. In many countries, the state apparatus has been used – or abused, to be precise – to achieve certain personal or political agenda. The case of Pastor Raymond Koh, as outlined in the book, will hopefully bring every leader in the world together to discuss the tragedy of “enforced disappearances”. Pastor Raymond, a Christian pastor who worked hard to help the marginalised B40 community was accused of proselytising the Muslims. He was among three others who disappeared without a trace.
Today the Author of the Book “Where is Pastor Raymond Koh?” Stephen NG has send an official acknowledgment to the Secretary General IHRC SirRafał Marcin Wasik Thanking him & IHRC for intervening in a case & for writing a letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia for immediate actions.
IHRC will continue raising such type of issues where HUMAN RIGHTS are violated & will keep its support & pressure on the Malaysian Government to do what is right. Team IHRC & its management must thank Author STEPHEN NG for appreciating IHRC & its initiative for the supremacy of Humanity.