United Organizations
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Concluded on 09/11/2020 in Prague, in the Czech Republic, the European Union, on the Rights Applicable to Governmental Organizations, Keeper of the Seals, the Department of Justice, Human Rights and Public Freedoms whose headquarters are in the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire, specifically in the Co1D.
The Act, therefore, cited PLATEAU 01 BP 2020 Abidjan 01, on the website http://www.justice.gouv.ci represented by SEM. Sansan KAMBILE Hereinafter referred to as Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, Human Rights and Public Freedoms:
Irrevocably declares its membership in the United Organizations (UO), operating under the aegis of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC), whose headquarters are located at 118 00 Prague, Loretanskie namesti, 118 00, Czech Republic (ID 05967023 ), under the responsible leadership of Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin Wasik the Secretary-General of IHRC, represented Fofana Vamara Commissioner and RVC SMM IHRC in Republic Cote d'Ivoire
by the conditions and rights set out below,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,
Now, therefore, Keeper of the Seals, Minister of Justice, Human Rights and Public Freedom proclaims this Act as a common standard of achievement for Membership of United Organizations
Article 1.
The Organization which adheres to the United Organizations undertakes to share and promote externally the values ​​recognized by the members of the United Organizations as well as to promote the image, logo, and other marks of the United Organizations and its members in their day-to-day activities.
Article 2.
The Organization is committed to bringing at least 4 times a year (preferably every quarter) a local humanitarian operation for the benefit of persecuted, poor, or excluded people.
The Organization undertakes to bring at least twice a year (preferably every six months) a supra-local humanitarian action with another Organization for the benefit of persecuted, poor, or excluded people.
The Organization is required, upon membership, to use, in its day-to-day activities and all print and electronic media, the IHRC logo and its other marks.
As part of the preparation and implementation of the actions referred to in points 1 and 2 above, the Organization is also required to publish the logos of the other organizations participating in it.
Preparation of the press release and photographic service of the aforementioned actions documenting its conduct and submission to the headquarters of the United Organizations for publication on the IHRC websites.
The actions of the Organization, of which the IHRC Headquarters will not receive the materials specified in point 4, will not be considered as accomplished by points 1 and 2 of this article.
Article 3.
In the event of non-compliance with the above requirements, such an organization will pay the HRC account by bank transfer a membership fee of a minimum value of 10 (ten) Euros for each month of the year in which it was a member of the United Organizations.
The amount of the membership fee and the terms of its payment will be notified in writing to the Organization by IHRC during the first quarter of the following year.
By failure to settle obligations under the conditions set out in point 2 of this article, we mean the removal of the Organization from the list of members of the united organizations, the publication of this fact on the portals, and the withdrawal of the rights stated in the Article 4 of this accession.
Article 4.
The United Organizations, upon membership of the Organization and during the term of its membership, grant the Organization the right to use the logo, the signs, and full and abbreviated names of the United Nations to promote the Organization and its statutory activities by Article 1 of this accession.
Article 5.
An Organization which illegally uses logos, trademarks, or other terms attributed to other Organizations, in particular to supranational organizations such as the United Nations, as well as trademarks and similar terms which may be misleading as to membership of the Organization or of its associations.
Members of United Organizations are prohibited from cooperating with the organizations referred to in point 1 of this article.
In case of violation of the above rules, this organization will be immediately removed from the list of members of the united organizations, which will be published on the portals.
Article 6.
Any dispute within the United Nations and between its members and external entities will be resolved through mediation, and in the event of ineffectiveness, will be resolved by the "Federation of Human Rights Arbitration - Federal Court" on the principles applicable within it.
This accession does not limit the obligations of the parties to the accession specified above unless they conflict with the idea and provisions of this accession. In the event of a conflict, the provisions of membership will remove it.
The present membership comes into force on the day of its signature by a representative of the United Organizations and is concluded for an indefinite period, taking into account the principles stated therein.
Membership was concluded in two identical copies, both with original rights, one for each of the parties for the Organization

Fofana Vamara
Commissioner and RVC SMM IHRC,
The Republic of Cote d'Ivoire.