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Shelter/NFI Sector– UKRAINE IDP Emergency

Information from: Coordinating Humanitarian Shelter
Illegal annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and increased tensions in the East in April 2014 resulting into a conflict have triggered massive displacement in and from Ukraine.
Activation of Cluster: December 2014
Cluster lead agency: UNHCR
After 8 months of a protracted crisis, initially triggered by the events in Crimea and spilling out to east in June 2014, more than half million is nowadays stranded in displacement in Ukraine. In the mid income country as Ukraine, state and authorities have never faced such a problem with direct impact on national economy and difficulty to set up a copying strategy. IDPs and other affected population are nowadays facing difficulty to survive in winter season and got numerous challenges on midterm period. Ministry of Social Policy in line with the new government registration policy. UNHCR is concerned about the potential impact of a new government resolution that provides for the transfer of state-run institutions and social payments to government-controlled areas. People should not be forced to leave their homes to access pensions and social benef..more
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