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IHRC: Solidarity message
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STATE OF THE NATION: Dr. Duru's solidarity message to Nigerians
“...Insists 2023 general election is a time to decide on another leader for our dear nation as Nigerians shouldn't fold their hands but need to participate in building a country that works for everyone through votes..."
Details coming up... Stay tuned!
The Ambassador at Large and Head of Diplomatic Mission IHRC Nigeria, H.E. Ambassador (Dr.) Duru Hezekiah laments the deplorable system of Nigeria's society, urging electorates to actively participate in the 2023 election as a medium to determine the next leader of the country. He asserted Abuja over the weekend during a press briefing.
Nigeria is a Federal Republic comprising 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. History keeps repeating itself in a more jeopardizing way as the Nigerian state is allegedly run by a small cartel of self-serving elites whose purpose is to provide an avenue for their cooperation across religious and ethnic divisions, just enough to divvy up state oil revenue among themselves and their counterparts; making them do little or none in improving the lot of the vast majority of Nigerians.
2. The Nigerian State is centralized but weak, while true political power is decentralized in government and non-governmental entities.
3. Nigerians over decades have faced numerous tragedies on the high cost of living, masses graves resulting from banditry and insecurities insurgencies, hunger, massacre, tribalism, looting, kidnapping, ASUU Strike, etc.
4. Nigerians from across the country are lamenting the hardships in the land, crying out for urgent measures by the government at all levels to mitigate their suffering which they said was becoming intolerable.
5. It is a truism with everything is broken down, our country has become one big emergency national hospital with full occupancy…Our hearts are broken. Our family dreams are broken. Homes are broken. Churches, mosques, and infrastructure are broken. Our educational system is broken. Our children’s lives and futures are broken. Our politics is broken. Our economy is broken. Our energy system is broken. Our security system is broken. Our roads and rails are broken. Only corruption is alive and well. Nigerians can no longer recognize their country which has been battered and buffeted by men and women from the dark womb of time”.
6. Fellow Nigerians, All of us are victims of a sick Nigeria! The 2023 general election is here; it's time to decide on another leader for our dear nation. We simply cannot fold our hands but need to participate in building a country that works for everyone through our votes.
7. I appeal to Nigerians everywhere not to entertain or give energy to unnecessary confrontation but rise to cast their votes. Knowing that the enemy of Nigeria is bad leadership, we need to push these narratives out there and as urgently as possible before those who know how to use ethnic and religious violence to make a statement seize the day!
8. Impressively, Nigerian youths are giving more to the coming election ever than before. It’s one good thing that came out of our current nightmare!
Let me conclude with the words of Charles de Gaulle, one-time President of France said; “politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians".
For once, let our votes reflect our earnest yearning.
A New Nigeria is Possible!

Mr. Christian A. Nnamdi
IHRC Media Officer, Nigeria.

Fidelis Onakpoma
IHRC Editor-in-Chief Worldwide

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