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International Human Rights Commission
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Global Goals 2030 Department
Departments > Global Goals 2030
International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) is working to strengthen & support all Nations capacity to engage in sustainable development through educational access, relief programs, ecological & bioethical reflections & actions, while taking in to consideration the traditional, social & cultural values of each Nation. Promoting Human Rights Peace, Gender Equality, Health, Economic development, awareness regarding the rights of women, children & youth in developing nations & where ever needed.
In 2015, 195 nations agreed with the United Nation that they can change the world for the better. This will be accomplished by bringing together their respective governments, businesses, media, institutions of higher education, and local NGOs to improve the lives of the people in their country by the year 2030.  
IHRC firmly believes that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda are a transformative development framework & are based on human rights. Over 90 percent of the goals and targets of the SDGs correspond to human rights obligations.
International Human Rights Commission towards achieving SGG’S 2030 has officially launched a SDG IMPLEMANTATION Department Headed by Ambassador at Large & Advisor UN Affairs Mohsin Durrani who has executed numbers of Projects related to Sustainable Development Goals from IHRC Platform.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an aggressive, but achievable group of objectives that, if attained, will make the world a much better place. The 17 goals seek to end poverty, ensure food security, make access to healthcare universal, protect the environment, and much more. Success will require meaningful engagement by charities, for-profit corporations and governments.

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