2024 National Assembly in Angola
Foreign Affairs > Information > Supranational > AU ECOSOCC

The IHRC in Angola participated in a strategic meeting with representatives of civil society from the European Union and Africa, held on Tuesday 20 February in the Great Hall of the National Assembly in Angola.
The main objective of the meeting was to exchange views on the OACPS-EU JPA and the Africa-EU partnerships, as well as the situation of civil society in Angola, including civil society participation in EU-Angola and EU-AU affairs, as well as in African Union programmes.
Representatives of Angolan civil society were present, including representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee, namely Josiane WILLEMS, Kristi SÕBER, Carlos TRINDADE, Charlotte RIVE and Elisabete DIAS, and members of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC): William CAREW and Kyeretwie Osei.
The IHRC in Angola was represented by volunteers Antonio Ramos Pitra, Ambrosio Miguel and Beatriz Ferreira, coordinated by Zinga Suama, coordinator of the Commission in Angola.
Zinga Suama
RVC SMM inAngola