16 days of activism "Orange the World"
Missions > Actions > Human Rights > 16 days activism

"16 days of activism to end violence against women in the world - Orange the World"
The volunteers team of International Human Rights Commission in Cameroon had launched the international day of women and girls by opening up the 16 days of activism to end violence against women and girls in the world and particularly in Cameroun, through these activities gender base violence will be reduced and also helped the survivors to come up and know their rights,that is the raison why the team enrolled into 16 days of activism which took place on the 25/11/20 at mile 17, office opposite the petrol station, , at about 10 am.
The day 25/11/20 marked the celebration of the Elimination of women and girls violence.
In the world, but the team turn not to celebrate it but to compaign on the issue of violence on women and girls.
The focal theme was for us to *Orange the World*
The closing remark was made by the Multi National volunteers Coordinator/ Peace Ambassador Mr Hiroua Goare Bienvenu and the new national Volunteers coordinator of Cameroon madam Holy who noted that if one need to help the less privileges he/she must acquired knowledge and motivation and passion *
" What we do today we do for generation "

Peace Ambassador & MNVC SMM IHRC
Hiroua Goare Bienvenu