Solidarity Campaign
Missions > Actions > Ecology > South America

International Human Rights Commission supports the action with the Association Civil A.C.M.A from Argentina in action:
"A Hand for Corrientes" Solidarity Campaign”
On Saturday, February 19, the solidarity campaign “#UnaManoxCorrientes” was launched, directed by Mr. Carlos Maghenzani, representative in Argentina of the IHRC (International Human Rights Commission), and President of the NGO Asociación Civil A.C.M.A. who together with volunteers and partners, achieved its start and implementation.
The objective of the same is to collect for the neighbors of Corrientes, the basic and necessary both for their sustenance, as well as to restore their continuity and development, in the stage after the catastrophe already known to all of us.
Both in the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) –according to its acronym in Spanish- and from A.C.M.A. Civil Association, there is no state or political participation, but this, based on the solidarity of the people, SMEs, Large Companies, etc. and therefore its own members. That is why this SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN requires the collaboration and effort of everyone, of all the Argentine people, trying to collect non- perishable food, mineral water, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene, medicines, etc. In this same way it is necessary to obtain clothing, footwear, blankets, bedding, mattresses... and other necessities.
The losses in some localities have been TOTAL, as well as the fire has destroyed schools, with all the material included in them. In this way, for those who already found it difficult to study, if we do not intervene, TODAY, IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
For these purposes and taking for granted the SOLIDARITY of our Country, donation Reception and Collection centers have been assigned, to later coordinate their delivery at a logistical level in the Province of Corrientes, at the specific points affected.
Hoping to have the support of EVERYONE, from the student to the employer, NOTHING IS LITTLE OR INSIGNIFICANT, EVERYTHING HELP, is that we issue this press release with the intention that it reaches all the media, thus achieving, materialize the SOLIDARITY ESSENCE OF THE ARGENTINE PEOPLE.

Mr. Carlos Maghenzani