IHRC-Drug Education
Alliance > SMM IHRC > Actions > Africa > Nigeria > Delta State

...Wisdom Class Team and Special Monitoring Mission of International Human Rights Commission Consults Stakeholders.
Chief of Staff to Speaker, Delta State House of Assembly; Chief (Dr.) Ebenezer Okorodudu and the Executive Assistant on Communications to the Delta State Governor; Chief Barr. (Dr.) Fred O. Latimore who serves as Patrons to the Wisdom Class Organizations endorses Drug-Free Delsu Project
“Drug Education and Rehabilitation Fund".
Towards the flagship of the Drug-Free Delsu Project tagged
“Drug Education and Rehabilitation Fund", Wisdom Class along with the International Human Rights Commission made a consultation to Patrons and Government Stakeholders in Delta State.
The Project is a proposed partnership with the Delta State Government as part of an effort to changing the negative narrative aimed to champion drug rehabilitation and provide a credible alternative counterbalancing role in shaping a normative culture of safety, moderation, and informed decision-making for young people and adults on licit and illicit drug use.
The idea of the flagship is to:
- Raise awareness and stigmatize the gross use of licit and illicit drugs which has become somehow tolerated.
- Raise funds for drug testing and rehabilitation of victims.
- Establish a platform for alternative assistance and prevention.
The Flagship takes place on the 18th of May 2021, at 500 Capacity Auditorium, Faculty of Education Campus III Delta State University Abraka.

Fidelis Onakpoma
IHRC Journalist.