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Pastor Raymond Koh
The International Human Rights Commission is the official patron of this book
“Where is Pastor Raymond Koh?”
Statement on the book,
20 June 2019
1. As the authors of this book, “Where is Pastor Raymond Koh?” we acknowledge that there can be no perfect record of what actually happened to him, or where he is today.
2. However, as we stated clearly in the Preface of the book, the book is an attempt “to piece together the events that took place during and after the abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh Keng Joo, so that there is a complete record of this blight that should trouble every right- thinking member of our society.”
3. Whether it is in Malaysia, or in any part of the world, human rights abuses are a serious crime against humanity that must be resisted at all cost. In many countries, the state apparatus has been used – or abused, to be precise – to achieve certain personal or political agenda.
4. The case of Pastor Raymond Koh, as outlined in the book, will hopefully bring every leader in the world together to discuss the tragedy of “enforced disappearances”.
5. Pastor Raymond, a Christian pastor who worked hard to help the marginalised B40 community was accused of proselytising the Muslims. He was among three others who disappeared without a trace.
6. Except for the abduction of Pastor Raymond Koh which was captured on the closed circuit television installed at a private home (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-jcxSZGS-8), they disappeared without a trace. It was the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia that arrived at an indisputable conclusion after 18 months of public inquiry.
7.What is most heartening in the case of Pastor Raymond’s abduction was the numerous peaceful candlelight vigils that were well attended by people of all races and religious backgrounds from around the country for these cases of “enforced disappearances.”
8. Around the world, thousands of people were also praying for this largely unknown pastor from the city of Kuala Lumpur. It was a show of solidarity with a man who has since gone missing from the day he was being abducted on February 13, 2017.
9. There is only so much that we can do with a book that is only 200 pages but we hope that this book will be a catalyst of change to our generation. The book is available online at either: https://releaseinternational.org/product/where-is-pastor-raymond-koh/
Stephen Ng & Lee Hwa Beng
YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad
Prime Minister of Malaysia
Prime Minister’s Office
Main Block, Perdana Putra Building
Federal Government Administrative Centre
62502 Putrajaya
Dear Tun Dr Mahathir
Re: Enforced Disappearances of Amri Che Mat and Pastor Raymond Koh
Firstly, allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the first anniversary of your new Pakatan government in Malaysia!
With this, the international community expects the Malaysian government to be truly committed to uphold the rights of its citizens. Malaysia’s reputation is at stake if your government does not give due attention to bringing the perpetrators of this crime to justice.
We believe, under your leadership, we will see a final closure to the two cases of enforced disappearances of Amri Che Mat and Pastor Raymond Koh, which the panel of the Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) public inquiry had unanimously agreed that “on a balance of probabilities, (they were) abducted by State agents namely, the Special Branch, Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur.”
The facts of the two cases are also clearly stated in a letter written to your good self by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) dated May 5, 2019. We, therefore, view with great urgency the need for an independent high-level committee to probe into these two cases, leaving no stones unturned in the course of uncovering the motives of the enforced disappearances.
Two other persons, Joshua Hilmy and his Indonesian wife, Ruth Sitepu have similarly disappeared around the same period between November 2016 and February 2017, and their whereabouts are still unknown to their families and friends.
The prompt administration of justice cannot be compromised in order to safeguard the good name of Malaysia in the international community.
Thank you.
Secretary General IHRC
Prof.Dr h.c. Sir Rafal Marcin Wasik
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