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MOU Guinea Bissau & IHRC
Foreign Affairs > Information > Africa > Guinea Bissau
Press note:
Dear Colleagues and Partners
We are pleased to inform you all. That as a result of the visit of the Secretary General of the IHRC Rafal M. Wasik in the Republic of Bissau Guinea / West Africa. The MOU was signed 12.03.2018 with the Government of
Guinea Bissau  and the IHRC Czech Republic, European Union IC 05967023.
The MOU Agreement was signed personally by the State Secretary of the Republic of Bissau Guinea H.E. Augusto Poquena.
During the meeting they participated, H.E. Romanos Raad Ambassador at Large IHRC
The MOU also obtained an Apostille.
• Part of the agreement:
  • Article 1
Under the existing jurisdictions, the sides intend finding the ways to develop bilateral cooperation in order to create modern structures to enhance public security, protection of human rights, counteract corruption, and provide comprehensive assistance in fighting against terrorism, international organized crime, illegal migration, drugs and weapons trafficking, money laundering and economic crimes, monitoring democratic elections, training of observers of local democratic elections, implementation of humanitarian programs, doctors without borders.
  • Article 2
The Sides are ready to find the ways of providing assistance to each other in the area of finding and establishing of working relations with governmental and non-governmental organizations of their countries, other international organizations and representations, municipal and local administrations, law-enforcement and special agencies, ministries, educational and other associations, within the framework of jurisdictions of the Sides.
  • Article 3
The Sides intend to organize informational exchange in order to strengthen the protection of human rights and public safety, as well as positions of sides in international competition and exporting of “Know How”, by courtesy of joined international projects, developing and upgrading of international partner-networks.
  • Article 4
The Sides intend to create a database of relevant experts/consultants to be used by both sides in order to form necessary human and financial resources to participate in joint projects, as well as providing assistance in modern administration developments. The Sides agree to recognize and respect the given diplomatic, military, police, special, and public ranks of their servicemen/members, service ID-cards, decorations, as well as to extend to their servicemen/members such assistance and protection as may be necessary and provided.
• We start with an innovative project in this region.
We invite sponsors and partners. Information info@ihrchq.org
Secretary-General International Human Rights Commission
Sir Rafal M Wasik
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