Special program of education and counseling
Missions > Actions > Education > Sri Lanka
International Human Rights Commission supported by another special program of education and counseling for the development of the education of school children appearing for the entrance exams in Sri Lanka.
As a voluntary assistance program of the Special Monitoring Mission of the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC SMM), on October 5, 2023, the officials of the Special Monitoring Mission in Sri Lanka. organized a special education development and counseling program for school children appearing for the preliminary examinations in Sri Lanka.
According to Dr. chrishantha Dissanayake, the Sri Lankan member of the International Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, Mr. Amaradasa Dilankarachi, Hemantha Witharana, Jayatissa Athavudahetti, Udara Ratnayake, Sadeva Amaradasa, and Dhammika Sisira Kumara participated. Here,
Dr. chrishantha Dissanayake asked the children who participated in the program to prioritize education over external things and move towards the right goals in their lives and conquer life.
This special program was held at Sarananda Primary School, Giri / Kitalahitiawa, Giriulla Education Zone, North West Province of Sri Lanka. The children appearing for the entrance examination of 06 schools of Pannala Education Division participated in this program and expert choreographer Pandit Amaradasa Dilankarachi and Deputy Principal of Kitalahitiyava Primary School Mr. Bhagya Rohan Nihalsiri gave full support in organizing this program. Mrs. Jayamaha, Director of Giriulla Zone Education and Mr. Premaratne Marasinghe, Principal of Kitalahitiawa Primary School also supported on behalf of the educational institutions and veteran education consultant Mr. Sarath Peiris supported this through speeches.

Dr. Chrishantha Dissanayake.
IHRC Special Coordynator in Sri Lanka