"From the Heart to the Heart" action of SMM IHRC Volunteers in Poland
Alliance > SMM IHRC > Actions > Europe > Poland

Volunteers of the Special Monitoring Mission of the International Human Rights Commission - SMM IHRC in Poland on April 3, 2021, organized a campaign to distribute free meals for the holidays. The whole action, courtesy of the owner of the restaurant "Kuchnia Konfliktu" Jarmila Rybicka, took place in Warsaw at 60 Wilcza Street. From 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. traditional Chechen dishes were served as free snacks, including hand-made dumplings and chebureas with meat. The aim of the action "From the heart to the heart" organized by the Coordinator of SMM IHRC, Mrs. Lela Kagermanova, was primarily to help people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Raising a smile on the faces of every person tasting wonderful delicacies is a positive message for Polish society, especially Warsaw residents. Sometimes small things and a kind word and wishes are a valuable remedy for grief for those who are affected by an ongoing lockdown. Having to spend Easter outside creates a lot of stress and sadness for everyone it affects. IHRC's primary goal is to help people. Following the motto of the IHRC Secretary General Prof. Rafał Wasik "Because what we do today, we do for generations", we provide a moment of encouragement in these difficult moments of fighting the pandemic.
The Vice President of IHRC, Ladislav Tesarik, said that each, even small, small humanitarian action is always a milestone in building social relations during anti-covid restrictions. The entire IHRC board headed by the Secretary General would like to thank the organizer of the action "From the Heart to the Heart", the SMM IHRC Coordinator, Ms Leli Kagermanova and other volunteers Ms Anastasia Rudetskа, Ms Olena Horb, Ms Hatasza Diszieva and handed over to the owner of the restaurant "Kuchnia Konfliktu" Ms Jarmula Ribnicka, heartfelt and warm thanks for organizing and helping SMM IHRC volunteers by supporting this great action. We also thank the sponsors and other donors.
Mrs. Lela Kagermanova
Coordinator SMM IHRC in Poland