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IHRC Frowns at Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls in Angola
The activities of the Special Monitoring Mission of the International Human Rights Commission (SMM IHRC) in the defense and protection of fundamental human rights of people in Angola, are not limited but include the engagement in the fight against sexual violations. The assertion was made by Zinga Suama IHRC RVC in Angola, during the sensitization and reiteration meeting of the Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence.
He said there is an increasing number of cases of sexual violence here in Angola in recent days. In one year, the Instituto Nacional da Criança (INAC) reported 4,700 cases of sexual violation against minors, not counting isolated cases. “It is very disturbing therefore necessary for organizations and civil society to work together to disseminate or put an end to this phenomenon", he added.
He reiterated that the International Human Rights Commission in Angola, aware of its obligations inherent to the social scope of the Organization, have earlier signed a partnership with the Igreja Ministerio Apostolico Internacional Shalom (MAIS), led by Apostle Samuel Justo, the Cogitar e Jurists project where he started to work towards the end of sexual violence.
On this note on April 16th, 2022, he held a lecture with these partners in the locality of Zango O in the field adjacent to the Church with the theme “Causes and Effects of Sexual Abuse in the Life of a Child, Woman in the Family and Prevention".
Ludvina Diogo Volunteer of the International Human Rights Commission was the Master of Ceremonies and the young Franklin Member of the Cogitar project, the Jurist and also an INAC employee Leonardo Catari, Apostle Samuel Justo of the Church Shalom International Apostolic Ministry who spoke about the role of the Church in combating domestic violence and rape, Dr. Jair Guerreiro who works with victims of domestic violence and the support of Dr. Euclénia Justo who is a psychologist.
Children, adolescents, young people, adults, and the elderly were present at the event.
Fidelis Onakpoma
IHRC Editor-in-Chief
for African Countries