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...Because what we do today, we do for Generations...
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Annual Report 2022
Ladies and gentlemen, dear Friends,

The team of the International Human Rights Commission Foundation - IHRC based in Switzerland presents our Annual Report 2022.
Acting, also as the owner of the International Human Rights Commission Endowment Found based in the Czech Republic, on the basis of intergovernmental agreements with the authorities of states and autonomies, in particular the agreement of 4/20/2022 with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine representing the government , as well as the earlier agreement with the Republic of Chad, thanks to their recognition of the IHRC as a fully-fledged intergovernmental organization, the rest of the 2022 Annual Report legitimately uses the name: Transnational Intergovernmental Organization International Commission on Human Rights – IHRC.
This Annual Report 2023 necessarily only indicates our basic activities, showing the main directions of activity and generally defining the place where we were at any given moment. However, I have to admit that when I read this study, despite its limited form, I was very surprised at how vast and varied the topics covered are. I didn't expect so much to happen in 2022. This is probably largely due to the principles and methods of our organization's activities, as well as our long-term goals and aspirations.
Everyone who works within and in cooperation with IHRC sets new goals, new paths, new good standards. For them we all strive with full commitment, with all our hearts, with all our strength. We don't look back, we don't crown ourselves, we don't seek empty applause. Our reference to reality to define who we are are thousands of people we have already helped and supported. Ahead, millions are still waiting for a heart reflex, a helping hand, a kind word. For them, for those in need, the effort is worthwhile, from them we get the greatest reward - a smile and a calm look, a friendly handshake.
With our daily actions, we effectively convince others that nobody has so little that they can't share anything with those in need. Also, nobody is so rich that he could live without others. All people, in every corner of the world, regardless of gender, color, religion, wealth, sexual or political orientation or any other difference, we are one. And all of us who work at the IHRC are the best proof of that.
I want to thank you all once again for your support, cooperation, and most importantly, your commitment to what matters most in the world—my sisters and brothers and the local communities. I am honored that we found each other and that we achieve so much together.
There is no doubt that none of this would be possible without you. It is thanks to you and your daily commitment that the IHRC today plays a key role in the important area of international relations and is very well known in the intergovernmental area and has a broad structural network. It is thanks to them that IHRC has implemented and will continue to implement numerous projects around the world in close cooperation with states and local social and institutional organizations. It is thanks to you that every day is better than the one before.
I promise that in the days, months and years to come, the IHRC will continue to carry out work of public interest in the areas of human rights, democracy, healthcare, education, nutrition and safe migration and decent treatment in exile.

...Because what we do today, we do for Generations...

IHRC_Jahresbericht 2022
IHRC Annual Report 2022

IHRC Secretary General
Prof.h.c. Rafał Marcin Wasik

Copyright 2018. Created by IHRC in Switzerland
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What we do today, we do for Generations. Our logo is available for your products at $1000. Any unauthorized use of International Human Rights Commission logo or name will lead to a fine of $100,000. Please be warned.
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