High Commissioner

urii M. Kiperman
First Vice Secretary General IHRC
IHRC High Commissioner
Co-Founder IHRC
email: ukraine@ihrchq.org
For the last 23 years of independence of Ukraine I have been extensively taking part in social and political activities. The most famous people of our country choose me to be Chairman of the authorized representatives of the president of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma during second and third election processes of the president of Ukraine. I have also taken part in president electoral campaign of Mr. Kuchma L.D. and engaged specialists from
different spheres of science and culture (scientists, actors, such as V. Spivakov, A. Pugacheva, M. Zhvanetskii, V. Tolkunova). Under auspices of government I helped to take away people from area suffered from Chernobyl disaster (Pripyat, Chernobyl) and to settle them down within the territory of Ukraine, particularly in Dniepropetrovsk district. For this action I have been awarded with merit badge - tribute of Participator of liquidation of Chernobyl NP accident aftermath. Furthermore I picked up an award in the Person of the Year national project (benefactor); I was awarded with the Golden Mark for development of our country by UUIE (Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs); to commemorate 10th anniversary of Ukraine I was awarded with the golden medal "For 10 years of independence of Ukraine". Besides that I picked up an award "For the effective management" from UNESCO in 2000.

where national team have practiced. Furthermore I was decorated with an order "For development of Dnipropetrovsky district" for support of Dnipropetrovsky region in its development. In addition to that I was elected as Correspondent member (?? # 0293 diploma) of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and International Academy by General Committee dd. April 24th, 2000 that is a member of ENIC Network/NARIC Network under EU and UNESCO. My name was registered in the Golden Book of Ukrainian Elite for economics development honoris causa, as well as for invaluable contribution into international reputation of Ukraine; Golden Award was bestowed by first president of Ukraine L.M. Kravchuk. During all this time I have been constructing retirement
and orphan homes, as well as schools; I have also been financing construction and repair works of synagogues, Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches; I have been organizing reconstruction of destroyed religious institutes of different confessions. Starting the year of 1994 I had been a president of first digital connection with optical fibre (Optima Telecom), Internet and mobile communication (company is now known under trademark Beeline) in Ukraine.

I also organized reconstruction of OTR tire plant (now is known as Eurotire) in Dnipropetrovsk and creation of the largest energy system in Ukraine that includes: Nadvirnyansky, Drogobycky and Kremenchucky oil refinery plants, the biggest and the only one in Ukraine throughput of oil products situated in Odessa, and 1600 fuel stations. Besides that I took part in development of many other plants, such as Balakleisky cement plant in Kharkivsky district and Lysychansky alkali-works in Lugansky district. Finally I am also a President of the Institute of Strategic Technologies Named After Academician S.M. Konyukhov where plasma generator for CHPP (Central Heating and Power Plant) has been already developed, and absolutely new space transporting system and its motors are almost worked out that is known as the "universal space transporting module". Such system allows us to circumvent gas problem in the energy area.