The main objectives of the International Human Rights Commission are:
- The Service of Humanity without cast, color and creed.
- The struggle against the violation of the Human Rights, bloodshed and terrorism.
- To provide its services for the noble cause of maintaining peace and disputes between the nations groups individuals and organizations.
- To set up seminars and conferences on international issues of Human Rights, peace, democracy, education, health, child labor, women rights, against terrorism and narcotics or drugs trafficking.
- To reward those who are working for the mankind in their various of field of life.

- To provide awareness and educate the Nations, Governments, Leaders, Legislators, Diplomats and Human Rights Activists by its campaigns, seminars, conferences, news bulletins, reports and through media. International Human Rights Commission issues its annual report every year, where it highlights human rights violations and victimization of groups and individuals, and other matters concerning democracy, politics, extra-judicial killings, honour-killings, child labour and terrorism across the world.
- To uphold the United Nations principles and universal declaration of Human Rights passed on 10th December 1948, Islamic Declaration of Human Rights, and European Protocol & Conventions on Human Rights.
- To further develop cooperation in the field of Human Rights and World Peace within the member organizations.
- To provide legal and moral support from Commission to the victims of Human Rights violation all over the world.
- To undertake all other efforts that are likely to promote the aims & objectives of the Commission.