Dr.Mohammad Ramzan Chhipa
Press note > Mohsin Durrani

Today I met with my mentor & my inspiration Dr.Mohammad Ramzan Chhipa, after I receive the title of Ambassador at Large by International Human Rights Commission. Chhipa Sahib always praised me for my thoughts & contributions in Humanitarian Work encouraging me to serve more.
Dr.Muhammad Ramzan Chhipa, an eminent Humanitarian & Social Worker, is not merely a name of a person belonging to any particular caste, faction, sect or community. Since year 1987, serving humanity, having no affiliation with any political or religious party or any ethnic or businessmen community group.
Ramzan Chhipa is serving Humanity since last 35 Years considering Humanity as his Identity & Religion as his Faith. He believes that Religion divides as Humanity Unites. His organization apart from other humanitarian work is currently providing Food (Lunch & Dinner) to almost 30000 Persons daily across Pakistan without any discrimination or restrictions believing that Humanity is the only weapon for fight against Hunger & Poverty. A largest fleet of CHHIPA AMBULANCES, spread over CHHIPA AMBULANCE EMERGENCY CENTRES in almost all the major Cities of Pakistan, serving Humanity with no discrimination.
CHHIPA PALNA (Cradle) with the appeal to general people to drop the unwanted newly born baby calmly & quietly and not to kill or indulge in brutal act of genocide is the most caring effort in protecting Humanity. After getting such discarded newly born infant, Mr. Chhipa himself cares and takes immediate action for medical aid bearing total costs on medical treatment, medicines etc. Once the new born completely recovered, the new born will than handed over to interested childless married couple registered in his welfare so that such neglected child could be brought up and be made worthy citizen by new responsible parents.
Ramzan Chhipa belives that “HUMANITY IS ABOVE ALL RELIGIONS”

Mohsin Durrani
Ambassador at Large
Advisor UN Affairs
International Human Rights Commission