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IHRC Corporation
IHRC Alliance
International Human Rights Commission
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Annual Report 2024
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Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,
Dear Friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, established in the first half of 2024, the Transnational Intergovernmental Organization of the International Human Rights Commission IHRC Corporation/Interpol Center USA with headquarters in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA has taken over the leadership of all elements of the Intergovernmental IHRC Alliance, in particular the conduct of intergovernmental policy and full supervision of the activities of the IHRC Diplomatic Corps.
In response to the current drastic changes in geopolitical structures and the principles of functioning of international and intergovernmental structures, the transfer of the center of gravity of the transnational intergovernmental Organization of the IHRC from Switzerland to the USA resulted directly and exclusively from the change in the balance of power in world politics and the resulting needs and opportunities for effective influence in the field of peacemaking, human rights and broadly understood humanitarian activities.
The IHRC Corporation team is pleased to present the Annual Report for 2024. It presents the basic activities of our Organization, indicates the main areas of its activity and presents the general situation of our Organization at this moment.
This is primarily due to the principles and methods of our work and our long-term goals and aspirations. All those who work within the IHRC and cooperate with it set new goals, follow new paths and set new, high standards. We give them all the best, with full commitment, with all our heart, with all our strength. Our identity is defined by the thousands of people we have already helped and supported. Millions of people are still waiting for support, a helping hand, a kind word. For them, those in need, every effort makes sense. From them we receive the greatest reward: a smile, a calm look and a friendly handshake.
Through our daily actions, we effectively convince others that everyone has something to give to those in need and that no one is so rich that they can live without others. Regardless of gender, skin colour, religion, wealth, political orientation, we are all one, no matter where we are in the world. The best proof of this is the IHRC staff.
I would like to thank you all once again for your support, cooperation and above all for your commitment to the most important issues in the world – my sisters, brothers and local communities. I feel honoured that we have come together and that together we can achieve so much. There is no doubt that none of this would be possible without your commitment. Thanks to your daily efforts, the IHRC today plays a key role in international relations, has a wide network of structural connections and a high position in intergovernmental forums. Thanks to you, the IHRC has implemented and will continue to implement numerous projects around the world in close cooperation with states and local institutions and organizations. Every day is better with of your contribution.
I pledge that the IHRC will continue to play an important role in the areas of human rights, democracy, health, education, nutrition, safe migration and humane treatment in exile in the days, months and years ahead

We are changing the world for the better,
....Because what we do today, we do for Generations....

Your sincerely
IHRC Secretary General
Prof. h.c. Rafał Marcin Wasik

IHRC Annual Report 2023

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