What we do > Humanitarian

The Special Monitoring Mission International Human Rights Commission (SMM IHRC) was established by the Secretary General Prof. h.c. Rafal Marcin WASIK decision in 2018. The general principles of operation are based on their own experiences from cooperation with volunteering during the conflict in eastern Ukraine after 2012.
The construction of the structures, under the leadership of Master Volunteers Coordinator (MVC SMM IHRC) IHRC Ambassador at Large J. TATAROWSKI, began in middle of 2018. By the end of this year, the number of new registered active Volunteers has exceeded 5000. Today, our Great SMM IHRC Family includes thousands of people from almost all continents. Organized in strong teams, under the leadership of zonal, regional, national and international leaders, each day they make a priceless contribution to the fight for freedom, prosperity and human rights, human life and security at the local and international level.
The Special Monitoring Mission IHRC has in its structure the High Commissioners in the Regions and the Commissioners SMM, who perform specific missions commissioned by the MVC SMM IHRC.